Thursday, October 25th | 7:30 PM
LNCO 2110
Bryant Keith Alexander, PhD
Loyola Marymount University
University of Utah 2018 B. Aubrey Fisher Memorial Lecturer
“Queer Intersectionalities: The Performative Dimensions of the Personal in Academic and Administrative Life”
This lecture will use critical autoethnography as a mode of examining and illuminating the complex and perceptually conflicted intersections of performative identities in the daily life of a Black/queer/teacher/scholar/administrator. Yet, while the presenter is particular, the construction of “queer intersectionalities” references a radical and resistant standpoint against the regimes of the assumed normal (or acceptable) to which most can find a point of reference or entry. In addition to expanding discussion on queer intersectionalities and the politics of positionality, this lecture also discusses how engaged and embodied critical scholars can establish new templates of academic and everyday sociality that reframe how such intersections, that can create unique experiences of oppression, can also establish empowering possibilities and potentialities.