Department of Communication in Support of Black Lives
Faculty, Staff, and Students in the Department of Communication:
We write to affirm that the Department’s leadership—consistent with the leadership of the College and University—stands in support of the Black Lives Matter movement and an end to anti-Black racism. All forms of racist thought and behavior must end and for that to occur each of us is responsible to challenge racist thoughts and behaviors. We are committed to strengthening our own anti-racist knowledge, skills and behaviors.
Our roles as educators and knowledge makers require that we respond to this moment systematically and clearly. As communication scholars we are particularly responsible to understand our role in this moment. Through our research and teaching we must come to better understand how messages and media can form a strong force in the service of anti-racism. This moment also provides us with the opportunity to further explore and correct how communication behaviors too often support racism and White supremacy.
In the coming weeks we will develop a set of specific action steps that will be taken in the department this year. We encourage all members of the Department community to engage in this crucial work and to hold us, as leaders, accountable.
The Communication Chair Team
Kevin Coe, Mark Bergstrom, Ann Darling, Marouf Hasian