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Prof. Holton featured on ABC4

picAvery Holton, assistant professor in Communication at the U, was recently featured on ABC4 news discussing the latest trends in social media use -- from the newest sites to which people are migrating to the ways people are moving some of their personal information offline.

"Our personal information is worth something. It is a commodity but it is ours to choose who gets that information," said Holton. "Putting pictures of yourself with a child on tinder, you might be trying to convey to folks that your child is important to you, that you have a family and those sorts of things. And that's fine," says Holton. "That is a personal decision. But you also have to think about the crowd that you are serving and who is looking at those photos."

Among other things, Holton recommends parents keep a watchful eye on their kids' internet usage. "As a parent, you have to be diligent. Not necessarily to monitor everything your kid does and not necessarily to put passwords on everything or ask for their passwords, but to choose what level we are going to operate at," Holton added.

View this clip to learn more about Holton's insight into social media.

Last Updated: 9/20/21