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Prof. Lawson discusses NSA and indictments in Wired

Department of Communication assistant professor Sean Lawson was quoted in a Wired article about the U.S. indictment of Chinese hackers and its implications on the National Security Agency.

Lawson is one of several experts cited in the article, published on on May 19, which speaks about what the indictment could mean for both the United States and internationally:

In other words, US intelligence officials should think twice before planning any summer vacations in the People’s Republic. “It’s an unprecedented move, and we’ll have to see if other counties reciprocate with the same kind of actions,” says Sean Lawson, a professor who focuses on public policy, cybersecurity and the military at the University of Utah. “This could potentially open U.S. officials to similar charges, not just in China but other countries as well. Brazil could turn around and say: ‘If you start charging foreign officials for cyberespionage against companies, maybe we’ll do the same to officials at the NSA.’”

Read the article, "U.S. Indictment of Chinese Hackers Could Be Awkward for the NSA," at

Wired is one of the nation's top technology news resources, publishing both a monthly print magazine and online content.
Lawson's research focuses on the relationship between the histories of science, technology and the development of military theories, doctrines and strategies.

Last Updated: 9/20/21