University of Utah Students and Faculty Top Papers at WSCA 2014
Congratulations to the following University of Utah scholars who produced Top Papers at the 2014 meeting of the Western States Communication Association held in Anaheim, Calif.
Deborah Cox Callister - "Land Community Participation: A New “Public” Participation Model"
Veronica Radeva Dawson - "Who Are We Online? Approaches to Organizational Identity in Social Media Contexts"
Stephanie L. Gomez - "Interpreting Identity: Race, Gender, and Sexuality on a “So You Think You Can Dance” Message Board"
Carlos Tarin - "Hard to Follow: An Assessment of ENGO Readability Barriers"
Daniel J. Canary & Harry Weger (University of Central Florida) - "A Theory of Minimally Rational Argument"
Heather E. Canary, Connie A. Bullis, Jennifer A. Cummings & Anita Y. Kinney (University of New Mexico) - "The Resource-Based Interaction Coding System (R-BICS): Development and Application in a Colorectal Cancer Screening Intervention Program"