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Professor Jake Jensen Wins NCA Golden Anniversary Monograph Award for 2nd Straight Year

A health communication article by Professor Jakob Jensen will be awarded the Golden Anniversary Monograph Award from NCA, which marks the second consecutive year he has won this prestigious award. This top honor is presented to the most outstanding scholarly monograph(s) published during the previous calendar year. Jensen is the first back-to-back winner of the Golden Anniversary Monograph Award since 1980. 
jensenThe newest award-winning article was article was co-authored with Christina Jones, Courtney Scherr, and Natasha Brown, three former graduate students from Jensen's Health Communication and Technology (HCAT) lab; Katheryn Christy, a current post-doctoral student; and Jeremy Weaver, a current doctoral student. The article was published in the journal Health Communication in 2015 and is titled, The health belief model as an explanatory framework in communication research: Exploring parallel, serial, and moderated mediation.
Jensen and his co-authors will receive the award at NCA's 102nd Annual Convention in Philadelphia on Nov. 12, 2016. 

In 2015, Jensen received the National Communication Association (NCA) Golden Anniversary Monograph Award for his co-authored article, “Comparing tailored and narrative worksite interventions at increasing colonoscopy adherence in adults 50–75: A randomized controlled trial,”which was published in Social Science & Medicine in 2014. 

Jensen is the 5th University of Utah faculty member to win the Golden Anniversary Monograph. The other U winners are Kevin M. DeLuca (2003), Marouf Hasian (1997), George Cheney (1996), and Mary Strine (1990).

Congratulations to Dr. Jensen for this incredible accomplishment! 

Last Updated: 9/20/21