Bringing Mobile Communication to Work: Organizational and Personal Control
It’s 2017—a time when mobile phones are everywhere and individuals seemingly control their own communication. But wait. Do we really have that control at work? Rewind, to the early days of car phones in the 1990s. This is an important anchor point, because communicating on-the-go was expensive; so, select companies bought these work tools and paid the bills.
Dr. Keri Stephens has spent the last two decades collecting interview, observational, focus group, and survey data on how people use information and communication technologies, or ICTs at work. She’s found considerable differences between types of workers, industries, and policies concerning mobile communication. Her data suggest that communication is so tightly entwined with seeking information, that individuals, teams, and organizations are constantly negotiating control over their communication practices. And control is tricky, complex, and often hidden.
Join us for our colloquium on February 23, 2017 when Dr. Stephens will share the data stories that help her explain the tensions and opportunities for contemporary mobile communication.