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NCA Doctoral Honors Seminar

Three members of the U's Department of Communication were among the participants chosen to attend this year's esteemed National Communication Association 2015 Doctoral Honors Seminar. Robin Jensen, Associate Professor in Communication, attended the seminar alongside Mariam Betlemidze and Julie Snyder-Yuly, both Communication doctoral students.

The event, which took place at the University of Missouri in Columbia from Julie 16-19, brought together promising docotoral students and distinguished faculty members from across the discipline and around the nation to discuss current topics in Communication. The theme this year was "Solving Social Problems through Communication Research" and included thirty doctoral students who were chosen to participate based on submitted papers and recommendations from their advisors.

Congratulations for representing the U's Department of Communication at this incredible seminar, Robin, Mariam, and Julie.

Faculty leaders
Faculty leaders from left to right: Sharon Jarvis from the University of TX at Austin, Dan Brouwer from Arizona State University, Kristen Harrison from University of Michigan, Lissa Behm-Morawitz from University of Missouri, Travis Dixon from the University of Illinois, Jordan Soliz from University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Robin Jensen from the University of Utah, Patricia Parker from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and Mohan Dutta from National University of Singapore and Purdue University.

Students at the event, including two U Grad Students: Julie Snyder-Yuly and Mariam Betlemidze.

Rhetoric students
The Rhetoric Group participants, including Robin Jensen and Mariam Betlemidze.

Last Updated: 9/20/21