November Awards and Publications
- Kimberly Kaphingst - Outstanding Research Award from the American Public Health Association's Genomics Forum
- Shannon McGregor - Lynda Lee Kaid Outstanding Dissertation Award from the Political Communication Division for her dissertation: "Social (Media) Construction of Public Opinion by Political Elites
- Kent Ono - Douglas W. Ehninger Distinguished Rhetorical Scholar Award from the National Communication Association
- Duncan Stewart and Taylor Johnson - "Complicating Aesthetic Environmentalism: Four Criticisms of Aesthetic Motivations for Environmental Action" in The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism
- Marouf Hasian - President Trump and General Pershing
- Shannon McGregor - "(Re)Claiming Our Expertise: Parsing Large Text Corpora With Manually Validated and Organic Dictionaries" in Political Communication
- Benjamin Mann - "Rhetoric of disability activism: #CripTheVote and Civic Participation" in Communication, Cultura, and Critique
- Avery Holton - "Strangers to the Game? Interlopers, Intralopers, and Shifting News Production" in Media and Communication