Parry D. Sorensen Distinguished Lecturer Amy Van Prooyen Follett, Esq.
Please join us for the Department of Communication's annual Town & Gown lecture by 2018-2019 Parry D. Sorensen Distinguished Lecturer Amy Van Prooyen Follet, Esq., Founder and Managing Partner of Van Prooyen Greenfield LLP, a law firm that specialized in litigation and crisis communications.
Unfettered Free Speech: At What Cost? The Social Media Dilemma
Tuesday, November 27, at 6 PM
Humanities Dean's Lounge, LNCO 2110
Free and open to the public. Business casual dress. All are invited to a reception following the lecture.
Amy Van Prooyen Follet is a BA (1992) and MA (1999) alum of the Department of Communication who founded Van Prooyen Greenfield LLP. She is also co-author of PR News Crisis Mangement Guidebook (2008).